When youth play sports with the Y they gain more than just exercise. They learn what it takes to be a leader in sports and in life. Understanding the fundamentals of the game and safe play are just the beginning. Our coaches help guide youth through learning the essentials of physical fitness, healthy development, and participation. We focus on improving their confidence and maintaining their determination. It doesn't matter who you are, or where you came from, at the Y, it's everyone’s game.
Spring Volleyball
Ages: 5th-6th & 7th-8th Grade
Dates: Games: Monday’s in March, Tournament: March 29th
Cost: Members: $50
Program Participants: $75
Registration Deadline: February 1st
What: Join us for our spring recreational volleyball league. Players will focus on the fundamentals through practice and put those skills into play through game play and an end of season tournament. Volunteer coaches will be needed!
3rd Annual Max Curnow Classic
Registration Deadline: February 7th
Date: February 15th: 5th-6th Grade Boys & Girls
February 22nd: 3rd-4th Grade Boys & Girls
Cost: $120/team. Gate fee for ages 5 & up
What: Double elimination tournament played at the Carrollton School District. Trophies for Champions, Medals for Second Place.
Spring Soccer
Ages: 3 years old-6th Grade
Dates: Practice in March, Play in April on Tuesday nights.
Cost: Iddy Biddy Member: $35
Iddy Biddy Program Participant: $55
Kindergarten-6th Grade Member: $50
Kindergarten-6th Grade Program Participant: $65
Registration Deadline: March 1st
What: Kick off your spring with our annual soccer league. Players will play a minimum of 4 games beginning in late March/early April. Volunteer coaches will be needed!
YMCA/CHS Baseball Clinic
Ages: Kindergarten-8th Grade
Date: March 11th
Time: 3:15 pm-5:00 pm
Where: Carrollton Trojan Baseball Game Field (Weather Permitting)
Cost: Members: $15
Program Participants: $25
Registration Deadline: March 8th

Lead the Team! Become a Volunteer Coach!
Y youth sports teams are coached by one or two YMCA volunteer coaches, many of whom are parents or community members. If you like to work with children and enjoy helping them learn and succeed, we need you! No formal coaching experience is necessary; all we ask is that you are committed to helping young people build positive self-images and develop a passion for an active lifestyle.
Registration and Refund Policy
We hope you will enjoy full participation in each Y program you choose. However, should you be unable to do so, please see our cancellation/refund policy located on the Join the Y page of our website.