Carroll County Area YMCA

Let’s Go Swimming

Swimming is a life skill as well as great exercise and a challenging sport. The Y offers swim lessons for all children, family swim events, and competitive swimming so we can all safely enjoy the pleasures of an aquatic environment.

Swim Lessons & Pool Partnerships

Your YMCA membership will give you access to the new Carrollton Cove Aquatic Center for the summer of 2022 while your membership will give you access to the Lifestyle Fitness indoor pool, hot tub and sauna throughout the winter upon reopening to the public.

2023 Recreational Summer Swim Team

Ages: 6 years old-18 years old
Cost: YMCA Members: $85                         Program Participants: $130
Registration Deadline: May 23rd
-Swimmers are required to provide their own one piece black or navy swim suit.
-Must have 10 swimmers to have the team.
-Swimmers MUST be proficient in freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke.
-Swimmers will be entered into 4 swim meets.

Swim Meet Schedule: Location: Time:

Will be released by May 31st

